Saturday, March 01, 2003
A Celebration of Life

Yesterday, people who I love and love me celebrated Glen's third birthday with me. It was quite a gathering. A cirle of happiness shrouded the entire event. It was like watching a movie and imagining yourself in the scenes playing and the best part is that it's real. I have never been so overworked, so exausted, yet yearning for more of it. A week full of preparation and less sleep...but the rewards I have reaped is so priceless. Among the happiest were the eldest of the tribe. My dad took the soonest flight he could get out of Guam to make it to his grandson's birthday and I quote "How can I miss it? It's my main reason for missing out on Christmas!" My mom spent sleepless nights too. Aside from the peptalk she gave me she was simultaneously sewing a superman costume for Glen. Sweet and touching. Glen was so proud that his face beamed when he appeared to greet his guests. The laughter rang through the entire afternoon and the childishness was so contagious that there was no determining who the adult was from the child. The guests left with wide smiles and a full stomach not to mention the loot they got from the party.

Looking back to my own childhood I understand the need to escape the inevitable hardship in our world by looking at life through the eyes of a child, that happiness may be found in the simplest and sometimes the silliest of things and that it is easy to achieve. You just have to look inside and find that child yearning to be free and spread abundant joy to the darkest of places in this world.


Goddess Morwen at 11:55 PM