Sunday, October 12, 2003
You are a great warrior! Just like Paine, you fight
to the very end. You never give up!

What Final Fantasy X2 Dress Sphere suits you?

Goddess Morwen at 1:33 AM

Friday, October 03, 2003
Solitude does strange things to people. It leaves you quiet in thought between right and wrong. It makes you think twice and thrice about the choices you make. It's like conversing with angels, you came to ask about mermaids, you learn about unicorns. It's always quizzical, evolving, yet it is significant somehow.

Solitude open doors to understanding the soul. It lets you lie on a bed of soft grass with a blanket made of stars. It whispers silent tunes of comfort while you dream of things to come. It encourages you to stand on your feet because no one else can really help you with your troubles but yourself. The decision is always made within oneself.

Solitude welcomes peace and tranqility in the silent corners of our universe. It is required to address the need of our being to rest from the fast-paced worlds we live in. It slows time while you listen to your every heartbeat. It lets you slip into a non-conforming sleep. It buys you moments of self-assessment and self-doubt. It allows you an opportune moment to know who you are inside.

Solitude paves the way for freedom. It challenges you to do what you need to do without intervening forces. It persuades you to gather the strength found deep inside you. It recognizes your effort to re-invent yourself and leaves you rejuvenated.

In the aftermath of solitude, you will find yourself.

Goddess Morwen at 2:26 AM