Monday, May 12, 2003
Fulfilling our dreams in our youth
Stabilizing the future to bask in the sun
How is everyone's life? I guess the more appropriate question is 'How is everyone living life?' Some of us in our mid-twenties go through one of the toughest life-twisting mazes and choices in our lifetimes. WE are annoyed because we are caught between the dividing line of chasing after the dream or stabilizing finances for a better future. This is the time in our lives where crossroads become puzzles and we get lost trying to make a single coherent decision. "What do I do?" is no longer a question but a mantra we repeat over and over without actually figuring out what we're going to do or where we are heading to.
Did anybody ever told any of us that its wise to rest and breathe and look around before looking too far ahead? Of the elder and the wiser, they always tell us to prepare for the future. Most of us take the advice three steps over by sacrificing our youth for the sake of being prepared. We forget that life must not pass us by instead we must pass by life, savouring every moment of it. We can never turn back time and we may never experience the vigor of days and moments past.
Deep in the back of our minds we tell ourselves that the success we covet is the true happiness of being who we are and living the life we always wanted. It has never been the question of money. Some say money will pave the way to one's dreams thus one should work hard that he might earn his day in the sun. When will this moment come? When you are too old to wear a bikini? When you can barely walk to the beach and run the baywatch way?
I say, and some of us say too, that if you follow the path to your dreams early on then you can enjoy everything while you still can and still have the time to fall in love with yourself all over again. And money, you say? Life is all about uncertainties yet remember that the universe conspires to the dreamer. No matter how hopeless things may get and at the worst moment of your life when you are at the edge, when despair is pulling your feet to the grave, that's when your final test will come to an end. It is never the question of money for when you find your true path everything will go your way. It may not be as you imagined it would be but it will be everything that you need in this life. And it will be wonderful to walk your day in the sun and smile thinking that you needn't waste thirty years of your life buried in hard work feeling cheated of the life you should have had.
We will get over this mid-twenties crisis because that's the only left thing to do. The chance is now and the choice is always ours. Do we swallow the hard pill of courage and follow our dreams come what may OR do we lay in our comfortable little corner and imagine the life we wish we had while we try with all our might defining the phrase stabilizing our finances as time passes us by?
Goddess Morwen at 4:14 PM