Wednesday, March 22, 2006

It's graduation time again and I had my fill this morning. It has been a triumphant day!

When I got to QCVille, a few kids and their parents were already there. I got a bit nervous because I thought we were late. We were packed inside the car and couldn't fit, so mom and dad had to take a cab.

Roster of Attendees:
Glen the graduate and yaya
Anabel the very supportive cousin with a wooden snake
Bernadette with yaya
Cleo the photographer dad
Mom the proud grandma
Dad the proud grandpa
Me very conscious with the dress.

Yes, they say moms are best-dressed during their children's graduation. And I was there with all smiles because I was the only one in a dress. everybody else was in maong and pants.

Ang Glen was called. His awards were for Best in Math, Language, and Spelling. He was also named Most Punctual. Wow, our clock which is 20 minutes advanced (credits to Cleo) earned Glen an award!

And we all were exhausted.

ButI wasn't just proud. I was and am still grateful. After all the crazy things that happened, we were all there. Our family had the most number of attendees!

And I submitted my paper to Dr. Camara, who was also the school's SpED Consultant.

Goddess Morwen at 7:26 AM

Monday, March 06, 2006
I had a photo session sunday night and it turned out pretty well. I was very pretty! It felt good to look good and love the camera. I'm so poor at the technical side of it but I'm very good with imagination so I compensated in a way. I turned out to be a great beauty in my photos, and my darling baby too!

I want more projects! I've got more lined up hehehehe

Goddess Morwen at 7:46 AM

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Blue Sky

My world is drowned in tears. Maybe tomorrow I'd have a bright blue sky. I'm standing atop a mountain peak with my heart in my hands, dying. I am alone after all, in my darkest hour no one is here. Even when I cried for help no one came. I am expected to be strong. Isn't that what I should do? Be strong? No room to falter. No sign of weakness. Or is it because no one has time for me? Everyone has other more important things to do than fend for my broken heart.

And when I expected for you to come, you delay. Why am I so eager to be there when I'm needed but no one is there when I need them? Nothing is ever fair. Nothing.

I am so broken in so many pieces. I'd like to close my eyes hoping to never open them again unless to see clear blue skies.

Goddess Morwen at 5:42 PM