Thursday, October 12, 2006
I am having the urge to write. Literarily.

Yet I have two papers due tomorrow at school. Funny that even though I know I should prioritize my papers for school I feel I should let my passions drive me today. And I will until I feed off the urge. Then maybe I can go on working on my papers for school.

And this short story I dedicate to you.

Goddess Morwen at 3:52 AM

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I managed to finish my 2nd paper for my EDRE261 class. Buzzer-beater! My teacher was on her way out when I got to the college. I have two papers to submit for my two other subjects. It's highly unlikely for it to be passed within the time frame. I'm sure it will be another buzzer-beater.

Life is exciting and I'm not always the one to finish first, in all aspects of my life. But it doesn't matter. Although there are times when I wish I was ahead of everybody else. Now is one of those times when I have no choice but to look back and assess my life. Is this the kind of life I always wanted? Is this what I deserve? Or is this just a phase I have to be in because its a preparation for something else?

My mind wreaks of infinite possiblities and multitudes of things to do. But I still feel left behind. Later today I'll go jogging at UP so that I can take my mind off things and have some kind of solitude. Maybe I can cry out loud somewhere near the lagoon and don't have to keep all my fears and tears inside.

One day I'll be ahead.

Goddess Morwen at 11:06 PM

Monday, October 09, 2006
Final class requirements for this sem is driving me out of bounds! I barely sleep working on them and now I'm getting sick...

I wish time would move fast forward so I'm over this phase...hahahaha...

2nd semester is just around the corner, another set challenges...oh boy!

Goddess Morwen at 1:21 PM

Friday, October 06, 2006
I passed my exams! Yippeeeeee... But I still have papers to submit. Damn I needed a vacation, a rest day today so I can finish up everything. But.

I guess I'll have to multi-task then.

This is such a crazy day. I wish I slept so at least I could rise up to the challenge much, MUCH better.

Goddess Morwen at 7:56 AM

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I wanna be a teacher promise! But they all want teaching experience...hello? How can I start teaching if they don't give me a chance? Grrrr...

I think I'll talk to my favorite teacher, friend, and mentor for advice. Maybe she can direct me to a school who can accept me.

Goddess Morwen at 5:29 PM